My local enviroment

These times of global lockdown are times for seeing and enjoying what is near to hand rather than what is far away out of sight.

I am fortunate in having open space and fine views extending away in every direction from my house.

The house itself is towards the top of a gently sloping hillside which in front runs down to the dirt track at the bottom of the valley, and behind up to a plateau that runs away behind the house.

Looking out from the back of the house the first objects are tree immediatly behind the house beyond which grassland extend. These run off into the distance before about half a mile from the house meeting a steep rugged rocky outcrop, after which the land drops away into the next valley.

This lush grass is fine cattle pasture and cows are often to be seen working their way across it. In addition to the grass the view is filled with dozens of palm trees which mostly form rows between areas which have from time to time been planted with crops.

To one side of the house grow tropical fruit trees in the form of inga and nispero, both of which produce many fruits.

Behind these lies more grass. This is crossed by the driveway as it runs away down to the garden gate and the dirt track .

Beyond my fence sits a house and various out buildings belonging to the neighbour and his animals. Also visable are the large mature trees that enclose the roadway.

To the other side of the house, beyond the eucalyptus and the fruit trees the ground drops away towards that of my other neighbour. This property is an old long established one and the border between the two properties is marked by a thick, impenetrable headrow formed by dozens of different trees and shrubs growing tightly together. Some of these will represent the flora that grew here before the land was turned over to habitation and agriculture.

In addition there extending down to the road is my only true wild ground. A half acre of woodland that has survived as a relic from the past.

The wood runs up to the garden fence the other side of which is the dirt track that runs infront of my house.

In this direction beyond the sea of grass a few of the neighbouring houses can be seen along the roadway. All a good distance from my house.

Behind these and a thick screen of trees runs a sandy stream, which may well be the remnants of the river that once cut the valley.

Across the stream the rocks and the land take on a very different character. On this side there is a gentle grassed hillside, but over there the rocks rise vertically for several hundred feet forming a solid backdrop to the view.

These hills rise unevenly and to different heights, although from the ground the bulk of the highest ridge gives them the impression of a solid wall, where as in reality there are numerous paths up to their summits.

On the whole the hills which extend from horizon to horizon appear green from the many trees that grow upon them, but there are many areas of bare rock which is too vertical for anything to grow upon.

These then are the pleasing views I am able to look out upon from my house under the warm Paraguayan sun.


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